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Our projects

About us

In 2016

Continuing our focus on assisting disabled individuals, we have initiated donation projects in Quang Tri province, which remains heavily impacted by the effects of Dioxin Agent Orange from the Vietnam War. Despite the war ending 40 years ago, subsequent generations still face the consequences of this toxic chemical. Quang Tri province, positioned along the 17th parallel during the war, bears a significant burden of the persistent and harmful Agent Orange residue, causing birth defects, cancer, and other illnesses among its population. The lingering dioxin continues to contaminate both the land and the people.

As the next generation, we have not experienced wartime firsthand; instead, we owe our livelihoods and development to the sacrifices made by our predecessors for our country and future generations. Therefore, we are committed to supporting disabled individuals in acknowledgment of these sacrifices and to contribute our efforts to their well-being.

In 2016, we have plans to construct and renovate homes for local Agent Orange victims in Quang Tri province. We hope that many compassionate customers traveling with us until 2016 will lend a helping hand to these disabled individuals, enabling them to lead improved lives. Our aspiration is to extend our outreach to a wider audience, encouraging more kind-hearted individuals to join our charitable cause.

Currently, we are actively seeking deserving individuals or families to support. We sincerely welcome introductions from compassionate individuals, readers, or even our clients—past or future—who have connections with Agent Orange-affected persons or families. We deeply appreciate our compassionate customers who participated in our 2015 donation campaign, exemplified by the golden-hearted support from Singapore that helped rebuild Ms. Nguyen Thi Hien's home.

Join hands with Eco Nature Travel to rebuild lives impacted by Agent Orange. We are launching a donation program called "Hearts of Gold" through Eco Nature Travel, inviting kind-hearted individuals from around the world to contribute collectively to this meaningful endeavor.

In 2015

In line with Vietnam's tradition of "mutual affection and mutual love," Eco Nature Travel annually conducts meaningful charitable activities to share and alleviate the hardships faced by Agent Orange Victims who endure physical and emotional pain due to congenital anomalies, along with their parents who bear lifelong struggles. Fortunately, this year, our company, along with a compassionate friend from Singapore, discovered and connected with Ms. Nguyen Thi Hien—a 33-year-old Agent Orange victim residing in Cam Vu, Cam Thuy Commune, Cam Lo District, Quang Tri province. Born with birth defects caused by Agent Orange exposure, Ms. Hien faces multiple health challenges, and her elderly parents assist her with daily activities. Their circumstances are dire, having received little support in the past.

As a result, all members of Eco Nature Travel, alongside our Singaporean friend, have committed to joining forces to repair and paint Ms. Hien's house over three days, from May 8th to 10th, 2015. We hope that this gesture will bring Ms. Hien happiness, sympathy, and a sense of shared solace in the aftermath of the devastating war.

Our entire team at Eco Nature Travel is excited and eager to participate in this upcoming philanthropic endeavor. To expand the scope of our "humane heart" initiative, we invite readers to join us in this 2015 charitable plan, aiming to bring joy and enhance the quality of life for Ms. Hien.

In 2014

The Vietnam-American war concluded over 38 years ago, yet its enduring scars remain evident. Every war exacts losses, inflicting deep physical and emotional wounds, and sacrifices on its people. The struggle against U.S. imperialism in Vietnam was particularly protracted and painful. The atrocities committed by U.S. imperialism in Vietnam were severe: Agent Orange was indiscriminately sprayed across over 26,000 hamlets, villages, and southern forests, leaving behind hundreds of barren hills, desolate landscapes, and thousands of deep bomb craters...

As time passes, the pain of the past softens, reflecting the rebirth of a nation that has endured trauma yet remains indomitable and resilient. Vietnam—a narrow, S-shaped stretch of land—is now adorned with lush greenery and numerous new development projects, all built by the hands and minds of the Vietnamese people. However, more than 3 million Vietnamese remain affected by Agent Orange, with over 150,000 victims being children who suffer in silence beneath the alluring beauty of Vietnam. These individuals endure severe disabilities and a multitude of health problems, which prevent them from leading normal lives. Many of these children cannot attend school, and their parents often struggle to find work. With more than 3 million Agent Orange victims comes more than 3 million unique sources of pain, demanding collective efforts from the Vietnamese public to help alleviate their suffering.

Eco Nature Travel Co., Ltd., based in Thua Thien Hue province, has established a reputable presence in the tourism industry over the years. In 2013, as part of our business operations, we allocated a portion of our profits and engaged in voluntary contributions from our team members to undertake a charitable initiative. Following this plan, from May 23rd to May 25th, 2014, the entire Eco Nature Travel team embarked on a journey to Cam Vu village, Cam Thuy commune, Cam Lo district, Quang Tri province, to assist in the construction of a new home for Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thu Hien—a 32-year-old victim of Agent Orange with a difficult life story. Mrs. Hien, though physically able, has been profoundly affected by Agent Orange, which has affected her appearance and spirit, making it challenging for her to find a partner and lead a normal life. She lives with her children without a spouse, facing serious hardships in her impoverished existence. It is our hope that our charitable efforts will help Mrs. Hien overcome her challenges, improve her difficult circumstances, and bring her relief from the pain she endures.

Beyond our designated working hours, the Eco Nature team also devoted free time to assist other victims facing difficulties in their lives. Though this charitable endeavor spanned only 2 to 3 days and was relatively modest in scale, it reflects our heartfelt commitment and responsibility to our community.

In 2012

We believe that our small group package tours, off-the-beaten-track excursions, and private tours can benefit numerous local communities, help preserve the environments we visit, and facilitate genuine and positive social exchanges. As a tour operator, we aspire to assist less fortunate communities, especially in remote areas visited by our tours, by encouraging them to protect their environments and wildlife.

Eco Nature Travel is committed to supporting local community development, raising awareness, and improving the lives and educational opportunities of children, particularly in remote villages. Our original goal was to annually support disadvantaged minority children in local remote villages, providing them with better educational opportunities. Each year, a portion of our business proceeds is allocated to support diligent students from families facing financial difficulties. Initially, our focus was on A Roang School in A Luoi, a remote village in Thua Thien Hue province. Over time, we expanded our efforts to other primary and secondary schools in A Luoi district, including Hong Quang, Hong Van, Nham, Hong Thuy, and more. Our goal is to extend our support to Dong Giang and other remote villages along the Ho Chi Minh legendary trail.

We provide scholarships and school supplies such as pens, pencils, books, notebooks, school bags, rulers, etc., at the end of each semester to ensure students have the necessary resources for their education. While we cannot assist all schoolchildren, we focus on supporting diligent students facing challenging circumstances within their families. However, there are still many poor villages and schools in need of community support in A Luoi. Therefore, we aim to collaborate with other companies, communities, and social associations to expand this project and support more schools. Our collective effort will positively impact hardworking children, offering them a brighter future.

Furthermore, the living conditions of minority people in remote mountainous villages, such as A Luoi district, remain challenging. To improve their lives, Eco Nature Travel organizes responsible travel tours to these regions, showcasing their beautiful natural landscapes, historical sites, and local cultures. These tours support local communities by providing economic opportunities. For instance, our tours to A Luoi have been successful among foreign tourists, offering experiences like visiting tropical primary forests and staying in traditional stilt houses. This encourages local economic activity through tourism, including cooking local dishes, hosting homestays, and preserving primary forests.

To enhance the popularity of these trips, we plan to build public bathrooms and toilets at village stilt houses, known as "Rong Houses," in A Luoi and Dong Giang Districts. We invite your support during your travels with us or upon returning to your country if you wish to contribute to children or disadvantaged villages in these areas. With your participation, we can continue our responsible travel efforts and make a meaningful impact on local communities.

For example, with the support of the ADB Association, Aka Chi village in A Roang now has a new stilt house equipped with basic facilities like mattresses and mosquito nets to welcome foreign tourists. This development brings joy to the village by enabling them to welcome more visitors and earn a sustainable livelihood.

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