


Country name: Kingdom of Cambodia
Location: Southeast Asia – Indochina Peninsular
Area: 181,035 square kilometers
Currency: Riel
Population: ~ 17 million people
Capital: Phnom Penh
National Day: 07th Jan
Religion: Buddhism
Language: Khmer

Natural resources: Metals, minerals (iron ore, manganese ore, phosphate, limestone, clay, salt, coal, rubies, sapphires, zircons, gold and silver), hydroelectric power, and of course, forestry (which covers 70% of the country).

Cambodia is a country in Southeast Asia with famous temples, rice fields and a history unlike any country with 21 provinces. The religion of Cambodia is Buddhism. Yearly, Cambodia welcomes millions of tourists to the country to explore the breathtaking sights as well as Angkor Wat – World Wonder. Cambodia borders by Thailand to the west, Laos in the north, and Vietnam in the east and the Gulf of Thailand in the south. Besides the richly diverse nation with temples, there are pretty islands and beautiful beach in Cambodia to visit and relax of the beach resort Sihanoukville and island in Ream National Park. Mekong River flows from Laos to Cambodia and the end at Vietnam offer many chance to travel in the country and this is the great way to enjoy the country on Mekong River. The natural beauty gives a great place for exploring by trekking to jungles, paddy fields. In addition, Cardamom and Elephant Mountain Ranges offer spectacular sights.

Farming is the key occupation of the country. People live in a stilted huts at small villages. The majority of Cambodian is Khmer of 95%, 20% are different hill tribes and each has their own culture, belief and dress.

The official language is Khmer and spoken by most people. Some speak French, Laos and Vietnamese especially near the border. It is easy to communicate with people in English at tourist areas.

Buddhism is the main religion of Cambodia with 90% population follow either Therevada or Hinayana Buddhism. To Khmer life, worship is an important part so you can see temples around Cambodia.

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