


  • Country name: Laos People's Democratic Republic
  • Location: Southeast Asia – Indochina Peninsular
  • Area: 236,800 sqkm
  • Natural resources: Timber, gold, hydropower, gypsum, tin, precious stones
  • Population: ~7,4 million people
  • Capital: Vientiane
  • National day: 02nd Dec, 1975
  • Language: Lao and Lao dialects (closely related to Thai), French
  • Religion: 60 Buddhist, 40 animist and spirit cults

Laos consists of 16 provinces and one city Laos and belongs to Indochina Peninsular of South East Asia with the border with Vietnam in East, Cambodia in South, Thailand in West and Mianma and China in North. This charming country lies on the geo-strategic axis of the lower Mekong River with the area of 236,800 sqkm. Most of the country is mountains and rivers that attract people by natural landscapes. Most of the country is Mountain and highland of ¾ of natural area plus a plain, Laos has a lot of rivers, streams mainly young rivers. River plays the most important role is Mekong with the length of 1785 km flows from North to South of the country.

Laos is also known as the Elephant country or Champa Flower one, Laos is beautiful for people are friendly, honesty and hospitable which leave tourists good impressions of this land. Laos isnot a rich country, however, the peaceful land plus deeply Buddhism religion attracts more and more people come here. Laos is famous for temple vaults, Buddhist Statues, Kings Statues… The most impression of Laos culture in traffic that make everyone to learn and respect is that Laos people travel in order at streets with four or five lanes for car/van without having whistle pressing or push of motorbike or bicycle. 

Agriculture is the main of Laos people. Thanks to Mekong River, the soil is enriched yearly and support for agriculture.

Laos is the member of United Nations and join international Associations: ASEAN, ASDP, PAO, G77, ICAO, IFAD, IMF, UNESCO, WHO, INTERPOL, IOC, TTU. At present, Laos has the diplomatic relations with more than 94 countries in the world.

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