Viet Nam

Da Lat

Da Lat

Da Lat is worth visiting because of its friendly residents, pleasant mountain climate, provincial French atmosphere, and its proximity to ethnic hill tribes.

Da Lat was founded at the beginning of the 20th century by the French doctor Alexandre Yersin as a mountain retreat to escape the oppressive tropical heat. The city is situated at an altitude of 1,500 meters above sea level in Vietnam's Central Highlands. Previously, this area boasted numerous pristine mountain streams and lakes, pine forests, and wild animals. However, these have almost disappeared after generations of slash-and-burn cultivation. Today, tourism and agriculture are the main industries in Da Lat.

Da Lat is known as Vietnam's honeymoon capital. At any time of the year, especially in spring, you can easily encounter newlyweds at Da Lat's various attractions. It is also a favorite destination for domestic tourists during the Tet holiday. Many hotels in Da Lat exclusively serve domestic tourists and do not accommodate foreign guests.

Da Lat is also popular among European tourists, especially the French, who often visit this mountain valley in July and August. To cater to this crowd, there is a classic 18-hole golf course built in the 1920s that has recently reopened. Along with the adjacent Dalat Palace Hotel, which was refurbished in 1995, numerous French villas have been restored on the hill overlooking the town. Da Lat is also home to Da Lat University, perhaps the most beautiful university campus in all of Vietnam.

Locals say that Da Lat experiences four seasons in a day. Mornings tend to be chilly, and you'll find the locals wearing sweaters. By noon, due to its altitude and proximity to the equator, Da Lat becomes unbearably hot. As the sun lowers in the sky, the weather becomes balmy and pleasant. When the sun sets, it gets downright cold. Whenever you visit Da Lat, be sure to bring warm jackets or sweaters and always apply sunscreen.

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