Viet Nam



Hue is one of the places that possess many cultural heritages. Until now, there is no place remaining with as many original historical relics as the ancient capital of Hue.

On the picturesque northern bank of the Perfume River, the palace complex is constructed like arc-shaped defensive ramparts, with a length of 11km. This precious complex includes over 100 architectural structures, vividly reflecting the lives of kings, officials, and mandarins during the Nguyen dynasty. Nestled among hills on the southern bank of the Perfume River are the exquisitely beautiful tombs of the Nguyen Kings. Among them, four famous tombs with their names and arrangements reflecting the viewpoints, personalities, and preferences of each monarch stand out: the majestic Gia Long tomb, the imposing Minh Mang tomb, the poetic Tu Duc tomb, and the magnificent Khai Dinh tomb.

Hue is also an important center of Buddhism. In Hue and its surrounding areas, there are still dozens of pagodas built over 300 years ago, along with hundreds of temples and pagodas constructed in the early century.

Moreover, Hue is the birthplace of royal court music and renowned for its traditional dishes and exquisite handicrafts.

As a unique city in Vietnam that still preserves the ambiance of a medieval town and the architectural constructions of the monarchy, Hue has become a large and invaluable museum. Therefore, the relics in the ancient capital of Hue have been classified by the government as precious national assets, and in December 1993, Hue was recognized as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site.

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